... is this thing on?

Welcome - my name is John, I'm 25 years old, and I live in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Initially, I set out to make this website as a way post my photography; as time has gone on, I've ended up with a hobby blog. I think my ultimate goal with this is to create a space that lets me share whatever I'm feeling passionate about in a way that's creatively challenging to me. I hope you enjoy what you find here.

I've tried my hardest to make this mobile friendly, but I don't really know what I'm doing. This website is best viewed on desktop.

I created an Instagram account for this site, mainly to share updates in lieu of a newsletter. If you come across anything you want to talk about, feel free to DM - I'm pretty friendly.


To talk about myself some more...

I maintain a long list of hobbies and really try to push myself to perform them at a high level. Whatever I'm into at any given moment is constantly changing, but the big ones that have stuck for the past few years are...

For more facts: I like to read & watch movies in my downtime. I am an avid fan of the NBA and the Cleveland Cavaliers. I work as a mechanical design engineer. I took a spirit animal quiz once that said mine is a deer; I agree with this. I am a night owl through-and-though. I have also seen two owls in the past year. I have a thing for 50s and 60s design. I love to try out the different Chinese Lay's flavors - my current favorite is Sichuan Peppercorn Crispy Meat. I have three Bossa Nova albums downloaded on my phone that I save exclusively for airplane listening. I love green things but I think my favorite color is French blue.

Most importantly, I live life surrounded by friends & family and love all them all. I would be nothing without them.

Me (middle), with my dear friends Dylan (left) and John (right)

Me (left), with my dear friend Max (right), tending to The Fire

Me (left), with my dear friends Max (middle) and Dylan (right)